Bio of B.E. Stock

BIO OF B. E. STOCK B. E. Stock has been writing poetry since the age of eight, and has lived in New York City since age 16. She studied...

Hi, all.

I'm looking at a fairly new pamphlet from a wonderful program called ARTS Anonymous, which I've been involved in on and off since about 2000. It's a worldwide 12 step program for artists who want to yield fully to their creativity or balance areas of their life or get over a block or find the courage to promote their art. Here it's more what we don't do that gets us in trouble, which is why it's called the "anorexia of avoidance." This pamphlet has slogans such as "Desire is God knocking at the door of your heart" and "God has no hands." If you are a fellow artist who would like to be more connected and get some encouragement, go to

Here's a little present, a piece from Collected Poems, published in 2001.


When a silver plane floats by
With a soft roar between white clouds
It looks so easy you would not know
The hot loud engine dripping grease
That holds it up, you would think
It naturally files.
Oh if you want to have
Hope back again you better
Pay a visit to the engine
And learn how to burn

Love, Barbara

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